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您所在的位置:首頁 > 精神科診療指南 > 2007AACAP兒童和青少年抑郁障礙的評價和治療指南


2014-05-23 17:08 閱讀:2738 來源:愛愛醫(yī) 責任編輯:張子玲
[導讀] Depressive disorders are often familial recurrentillnesses associated with increased psychosocialmorbidity and mortality.


    Depressive disorders are often familial recurrentillnesses associated with increased psychosocialmorbidity and mortality. Early identification andeffective treatment may reduce the impact of de-pression on the family, social, and academic func-tioning in youths and may reduce the risk of sui-cide, substance abuse, and persistence of depressivedisorders into **hood. Evidence-supportedtreatment interventions have emerged in psycho-therapy and medication treatment of childhood de-pressive disorders that can guide clinicians to im-prove outcomes in this population.


    There are different subtypes of MDD, whichmay have prognostic and treatment implications.Psychotic depression has been associated with fam-ily history of bipolar and psychotic depression(Haley et al., 1988; Strober et al., 1993), more se-vere depression, greater long-term morbidity, resis-tance to antidepressant monotherapy, and, mostnotably, increased risk of bipolar disorder (Stroberand Carlson, 1982)。 MDD can be manifested withatypical symptoms such as increased reactivity torejection, lethargy (leaden paralysis), increased ap-petite, craving for carbohydrates, and hypersomnia(Stewart et al., 1993; Williamson et al., 2000)。Youths with seasonal affective disorder (SAD;Swedo et al., 1995) mainly have symptoms of de-pression during the season with less daylight. SADshould be differentiated from depression triggeredby school stress because both usually coincide withthe school calendar.






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